Results for 'Léa Silveira Sales'

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  1. Metapsicologia X Monismo Anômico - Uma Leitura Possí­vel?Léa Silveira Sales - 2003 - Princípios 10 (13):41-55.
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    Ainda O sujeito – Nota sobre O conflito determinação X subjetividade em Jacques lacan.Léa Silveira Sales - 2005 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 17 (20):99.
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    Má-fé e inconsciente: Sobre a crítica de Sartre a Freud em "O ser e o nada".Léa Silveira - 2016 - Doispontos 13 (3).
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    Entre teses e textos: Como o tema da inferioridade da mulher aparece nos ensaios que Freud dedica à sexualidade feminina?Léa Silveira - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 33 (58).
    O pensamento freudiano certamente conta entre as próprias condições de possibilidade do feminismo. A tese da bissexualidade originária do ser humano é fundamental nesse sentido porque ela serve de ponto de partida para a ideia de que a sexuação resulta de um processo, resulta de um tornar-se. Não estando dada de uma vez por todas, como se se tratasse de algo natural, ela pode ser entendida tanto no seu fator disruptivo relativamente a uma série de constrições tradicional e ideologicamente vinculadas (...)
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    A Guerra Fria e o inimigo comunista nas telas de cinema norte-americanas dos anos 1980.Mariana G. Alves da Silveira & Vágner Camilo Alves - 2018 - Dialogos 22 (1):60.
    A última década da Guerra Fria foi turbulenta. Seu início apresentou tensão comparável àquela existente nos anos 1950 e princípio dos 1960. A partir de meados dos anos 1980, entretanto, houve distensão, o fim da Guerra Fria e a desintegração do próprio sistema internacional bipolar de poder. O cinema, como outras formas de produção cultural, foi instrumento de propaganda e mobilização durante toda a Guerra Fria. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar como a Guerra Fria se apresentou nos filmes de (...)
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    Liquidity and Profitability in the Colombian Oil and Natural Gas Extraction Sector: Analysis 2011 – 2021.Jorge Ducuara Parales, William Niebles-Núñez & Yahilina Silveira Perez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2092-2101.
    The dynamics brought about by the adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards have a direct impact on the various Colombian economic sectors; highlighting the Oil and Natural Gas Extraction sector as one of the most important in terms of wealth generation and exports of the nation. For this reason, the present study was directed in order to analyze the indicators of Liquidity and Profitability in the Colombian oil sector between 2011 and 2021. For the development of the study, a (...)
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    Lea Melandri, Love and Violence, translated from Italian. Reviewed in Los Angeles Review of Books.Lea Melandri & Antonio Calcagno - 2018 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press, State University Press of New York.
    A critical, philosophical engagement of the psychological structures that propagate the continued oppression of women. In this book, the Italian feminist thinker Lea Melandri argues that systemic violence against women has deep psychoanalytic roots. Drawing inspiration from the work of Freud and the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Elvio Fachinelli, along with feminist practices of consciousness-raising, Melandri demonstrates how male dominance and female subservience are established by society through a binary and oppositional understanding of sex and gender. This understanding—and the oppression and (...)
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    Review of Lea Brilmayer: Justifying International Acts.[REVIEW]Lea Brilmayer - 1991 - Ethics 101 (4):880-881.
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  9. A Permissive Theory of Territorial Rights.Lea Ypi - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 22 (2):288-312.
    This article explores the justification of states' territorial rights. It starts by introducing three questions that all current theories of territorial rights attempt to answer: how to justify the right to settle, the right to exclude, and the right to settle and exclude with reference to a particular territory. It proposes a ‘permissive’ theory of territorial rights, arguing that the citizens of each state are entitled to the particular territory they collectively occupy, if and only if they are also politically (...)
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    Tributes to Kathleen Marguerite Lea, 1903-1995.Judith Lea, Clalire McLaughlin & Anthony de Vere - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (3):377-382.
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  11. Entrevista com Lauro Frederico Barbosa da Silveira.Lauro Frederico Barbosa da Silveira & Marcos Antonio Alves - 2025 - Trans/Form/Ação 48 (1):e025014.
    The interview conducted in 2017 with Professor Lauro Frederico Barbosa da Silveira is published. This republication is a posthumous tribute to this philosopher who was one of the founders of the Trans/ Form/Ação Journal 50 years ago. A profound expert on various topics in Philosophy and other areas, Lauro was a pioneer in Semiotics studies in Brazil, having contributed to the consolidation and dissemination of the field. The interview addresses several subjects, such as the origin, academic and professional background (...)
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  12. Democratic dictatorship: Political legitimacy in Marxist perspective.Lea Ypi - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (2):277-291.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  13. Statist cosmopolitanism.Lea L. Ypi - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (1):48–71.
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    Borders of Class: Migration and Citizenship in the Capitalist State.Lea Ypi - 2018 - Ethics and International Affairs 32 (2):141-152.
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    Art and Testimony: The Representation of Historical Horror in Literary Works by Piotr Rawicz and Charlotte Delbo.Lea Fridman Hamaoui - 1991 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 3 (2):243-259.
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    (1 other version)La note de vie scolaire, entre fausse réponse et vraie question.Léa Pontier - 2013 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 67 (3):, [ p.].
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    Exploring Modality Switching Effects in Negated Sentences: Further Evidence for Grounded Representations.Lea A. Hald, Ian Hocking, David Vernon, Julie-Ann Marshall & Alan Garnham - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
    heories of embodied cognition (e.g., Perceptual Symbol Systems Theory; Barsalou, 1999, 2009) suggest that modality specific simulations underlie the representation of concepts. Supporting evidence comes from modality switch costs: participants are slower to verify a property in one modality (e.g., auditory, BLENDER-loud) after verifying a property in a different modality (e.g., gustatory, CRANBERRIES-tart) compared to the same modality (e.g., LEAVES-rustling, Pecher et al., 2003). Similarly, modality switching costs lead to a modulation of the N400 effect in event-related potentials (ERPs; Collins (...)
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  18. A brecha no muro [por] Alcântara Silveira.Hovanir Alcântara Silveira - 1967 - [Rio de Janeiro]: Ministério de Educação e Cultura, Serviço de Documentação.
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  19. Commerce and colonialism in Kant's philosophy of history.Lea Ypi - 2014 - In Katrin Flikschuh & Lea Ypi, Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Critical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    From Revelation to Revolution: The Critique of Religion in Kant and Marx.Lea Ypi - 2017 - Kantian Review 22 (4):661-681.
    This article examines Kant’s and Marx’s analysis of religion in its relation to human emancipation. It highlights some important affinities in their accounts of human nature and their critique of religious authority including: the emphasis on freedom as distinguishing human beings from other species, the relation between moral and political progress, the critique of revealed religion, the role of political community and the importance of ethical community to achieve moral emancipation.
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    Remember me? First person thought, memory and explanations of IEM.Léa Salje - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
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    Review of Lea Brilmayer: American Hegemony: Political Morality in a One-Superpower World.[REVIEW]Lea Brilmayer - 1996 - Ethics 107 (1):155-157.
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    Scrutinizing Public–Private Partnerships for Development: Towards a Broad Evaluation Conception.Lea Stadtler - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (1):71-86.
    The proliferation of public–private partnerships for development as an answer to many public challenges calls for careful evaluation. To this end, tailored frameworks are fundamental for helping understand the PPPs’ impact and for guiding corrective adjustment. Scholars have developed frameworks focusing on the partners’ relationships, the order of effects, and the distinction between outputs and outcomes. To capture a PPP’s complexity and multiple linkages with its environment, we argue that a thorough evaluation should adopt a stakeholder-oriented approach and consider the (...)
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    Saying of St. Francis de Sales Concerning the Need for Christian Cheerfulness in Everyday Life.St Francis de Sales - 1997 - The Chesterton Review 23 (3):391-391.
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    Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency.Lea Ypi - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency offers a fresh, nuanced example of political theory in an activist mode. Setting the debate on global justice in the context of recent methodological disputes on the relationship between ideal and nonideal theorizing, Ypi's dialectical account shows how principles and agency really can interact.
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    Unreliable LLM Bioethics Assistants: Ethical and Pedagogical Risks.Lea Goetz, Markus Trengove, Artem Trotsyuk & Carole A. Federico - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (10):89-91.
    Whilst Rahimzadeh et al. (2023) apply a critical lens to the pedagogical use of LLM bioethics assistants, we outline here further reason for skepticism. Two features of LLM chatbots are of signific...
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    Incremental Bayesian Category Learning From Natural Language.Lea Frermann & Mirella Lapata - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):1333-1381.
    Models of category learning have been extensively studied in cognitive science and primarily tested on perceptual abstractions or artificial stimuli. In this paper, we focus on categories acquired from natural language stimuli, that is, words. We present a Bayesian model that, unlike previous work, learns both categories and their features in a single process. We model category induction as two interrelated subproblems: the acquisition of features that discriminate among categories, and the grouping of concepts into categories based on those features. (...)
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    The Architectonic of Reason: Purposiveness and Systematic Unity in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.Lea Ypi - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book focuses on a question issued from The Architectonic of Pure Reason, one of the most important sections of Kant's first Critique: what is the human being? It suggests that the answer to this question is tied to a particular account of the unity of reason - one that stresses its purposive character.
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    Universality of aging: family caregivers for elderly cancer patients.Lea Baider & Antonella Surbone - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Leveraging Partnerships for Environmental Change: The Interplay Between the Partnership Mechanism and the Targeted Stakeholder Group.Lea Stadtler & Haiying Lin - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (3):869-891.
    Partnerships can play an important role in addressing environmental concerns and fostering environmental improvement. In this context, we argue that a more elaborate understanding is needed of how partners intend to reach beyond the partnership boundaries and target stakeholders at the firm, industry, supply-chain, or societal levels. As environmental improvement is intertwined with the process of change, we build on the theory of planned change to explain how the focus on selected partnership mechanisms may help partners anticipate and overcome barriers (...)
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    Analyse du statut épistémologique de l’intérêt public : la délicate émergence d’une volonté « commune ».Léa Antonicelli - 2024 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 1:47-77.
    L’intérêt public est au cœur de la sémantique politique : le syntagme est omniprésent dans les pratiques discursives du droit et de l’administration publics ainsi que dans les discours rhétoriques et polémiques des acteurs du débat public. Pourtant, s’il constitue un élément de langage fondamental, son contenu a rarement été défini : ce sont les usages à travers le temps qui peuvent en indiquer le sens, mais ce sens, pour n’avoir pas été explicitement posé, demeure nécessairement incertain et peut varier (...)
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    Aristote, l’animal politique, edited by Refik Güremen and Annick Jaulin.Léa Derome - 2019 - Polis 36 (1):167-169.
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    Stress, Cortisone and Homeostasis. Adrenal Cortex Hormones and Physiological Equilibrium, 1936–1960.Lea Haller - 2010 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 18 (2):169-195.
    This article investigates the emergence of the concept of stress in the 1930s and outlines its changing disciplinary and conceptual frames up until 1960. Originally stress was a physiological concept applied to the hormonal regulation of the body under stressful conditions. Correlated closely with chemical research into corticosteroids for more than a decade, the stress concept finally became a topic in cognitive psychology. One reason for this shift of the concept to another discipline was the fact that the hormones previously (...)
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    Environmental Education, Environmental Ethics, and Environmental Perceptions of Food Establishment Employees in a Philippine University.Lea Ivy O. Manzanero - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (8).
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    Tempo do espírito e espírito do tempo: algumas observações mais ou menos intempestivas.Léa Freitas Perez - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (49):356-378.
    Este artigo corresponde a fala integral que foi apresentada na Mesa “Três olhares sobre o Tempo do Espírito”, no 29º Congresso Internacional da Sociedade de Teologia e Ciências da Religião - Tempos do espírito: inspiração e discernimento, que teve lugar em 13 julho de 2016, na PUC-Minas. Nele teço algumas observações mais ou menos intempestivas sobre as relações entre tempo do espírito e espírito do tempo, com vistas a pensar a religiosidade na contemporaneidade mais imediata. A partir de uma rápida (...)
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    Judith N. Shklar, Über Hannah Arendt (= Fröhliche Wissenschaft, Bd. 158).Lea Ransbach - 2020 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 127 (2):375-377.
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    Scarlett Jansen (2015) Forschung an Einwilligungsunfähigen. Insbesondere strafrechtliche und verfassungsrechtliche Aspekte der fremdnützigen Forschung: Schriften zum Strafrecht Band 278, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 414 Seiten, 79,90 €, ISBN 978-3-428-84628-3.Lea Schläpfer - 2017 - Ethik in der Medizin 29 (3):261-262.
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    Parallel visual pathways from the retina to the visual cortex – how do they fit?Luiz Carlos L. Silveira - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):50-51.
    Which roles are played by subcortical pathways in models of cortical streams for visual processing? Through their thalamic relays, magnocellular (M) and parvocellular (P) projecting ganglion cells send complementary signals to V1, where their outputs are combined in several different ways. The synergic role of M and P cells in vision can be understood by estimating cell response entropy in all domains of interest.
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    The Essential Non-Indexical.Léa Salje - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    The aim of this paper is to argue that our non-first-personal ways of thinking of ourselves – those we would naturally express in language without using first person pronouns – are just as important to our agency as our indexical ways of thinking of ourselves. They are just important in different ways. Specifically, I argue that a thinker who is systematically excluded from these non-first-personal modes of self-directed thought would be excluded from participation in some of the domains of agency (...)
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  40. Thinking About You.Léa Salje - 2017 - Mind 126 (503):817-840.
    This paper brings into focus the idea that just as no third-personal way of thinking could capture the self-consciousness of first-person thought, no first- or third- personal way of thinking could capture the especially intimate way we have of relating to each other canonically expressed with our uses of ‘you’. It proposes, motivates and defends the view that second-person speech is canonically expressive of a distinctive way we have of thinking of each other, under a concept that refers de jure (...)
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  41. Talking our way to systematicity.Léa Salje - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (10):2563-2588.
    Do we think in a language-like format? Taking the marker of language-like formats to be the property of unconstrained systematicity, this paper considers the following master argument for the claim that we do: language is unconstrainedly systematic, if language is unconstrainedly systematic then so is thought, so thought is unconstrainedly systematic. It is easy to feel that there is something right about this argument, that there will be some way of filling in its details that will vindicate the idea that (...)
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    ‘Sports Integrity’ Needs Sports Ethics.Lea Cleret, Mike McNamee & Stuart Page - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (1):1-5.
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    Convergência: homenagem a Emmanuel Carneiro Leão.Francisco Antônio Doria & Emmanuel Carneiro Leão (eds.) - 1999 - Rio de Janeiro: Sette Letras.
    Esta coletânea é uma homenagem aos 70 anos do professor Emmanuel Carneiro Leão. Reúne artigos de seus alunos, amigos e admiradores que foram atraídos pela abrangência e rigor de seu pensamento. A diversidade de temáticas, abordagens e premissas destes ensaios refletem bem a generosidade do espírito de Emmanuel Carneiro.
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    Two pictures of Nowhere.Lea Ypi - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (3):219-223.
    This article critically engages with Rainer Forst’s recent book Justification and Critique: Towards a Critical Theory of Politics, focusing in particular on his account of utopia in the last part of it.
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  45. On Revolution in Kant and Marx.Lea Ypi - 2014 - Political Theory 42 (3):262-287.
    This essay compares the thoughts of Kant and Marx on revolution. It focuses in particular on two issues: the contribution of revolutionary enthusiasm to the cause of emancipatory political agents and its educative role in illustrating the possibility of progress for future generations. In both cases, it is argued, the defence of revolution is offered in the context of illustrating the possibility of moral progress for the species, even if not for individual human beings, and brings out the centrality of (...)
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  46. Composing Thoughts: Free Speech and the Importance of Thinking Aloud in Music and Images.Léa Salje & Robert Mark Simpson - 2024 - Legal Theory 30 (2).
    Why should musical compositions and artistic images be included among the types of expression covered by free speech principles? One way to answer this question is to show how expression in nonverbal media can be functionally similar to other types of verbal expression. But this leaves us with an intuitively unsatisfying explanation of why free speech principles cover nonverbal creative expression that does not functionally emulate literal speech. In this article, as an alternative justification, we develop and defend the idea (...)
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  47. On the Confusion between Ideal and Non-ideal in Recent Debates on Global Justice.Lea Ypi - 2010 - Political Studies 58 (3).
  48. Psychedelic Experience and the Narrative Self: An Exploratory Qualitative Study.N. Amada, T. Lea, C. Letheby & J. Shane - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (9-10):6-33.
    It has been hypothesized that psychedelic experiences elicit lasting psychological benefits by altering narrative selfhood, which has yet to be explicitly studied. The present study investigates retrospective reports (n = 418) of changes to narrative self that participants believe resulted from, or were catalysed by, their psychedelic experience(s). Responses to open-ended questions were analysed using inductive and deductive thematic coding and interpreted within agent-centred approaches to development and well-being. Themes include decentred introspection, greater access to self-knowledge, positive shifts in self-evaluation (...)
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  49. Territorial Rights and Exclusion.Lea Ypi - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (3):241-253.
    Is it possible to justify territorial rights? Provided a justification for territorial rights can be found, does it ground claims toparticularterritories? And provided a claim to particular territories can be justified, what kind of claim is it? Is it a claim to jurisdiction? A claim to control resources? A claim to control the movement of people across borders? In this paper I review some prominent accounts seeking to answer these questions. After outlining their main features, I focus on some difficulties (...)
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    Olympism, The Values Of Sport, and the will to Power: De Coubertin And Nietzsche Meet Eugenio Monti.Léa Cléret & Mike McNamee - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (2):183-194.
    The ?values of sport? is a concept that is often used to justify actions and policies by a range of agents and agencies from coaches and teachers to governing bodies and educational institutions. From a philosophical point of view, these values deserve to be analysed with great care to make sure we understand their nature and reach. The aim of this paper is to critically examine the values carried by the educational conception of sport that Pierre de Coubertin developed and (...)
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